The Illusion Horror Con 2024 | ChildFund Australia
Fundraising for ChildFund Australia
Fundraising for ChildFund Australia
1. Click the “Give Now” button and enter your currency and the amount you want to donate. Minimum donations for PRIZE BUNDLES are $3 for 1 entry and $6 for 3 entries. Click "Continue".
2. In the box labeled “Name to appear on page (optional)”, please put your full Discord handle. Admins will only contact you through Discord!
3. In the “Add a Message” box, please state the code (See link below for Charity Codes) that corresponds to the Prize Bundle raffle you would like to enter. Please only enter one code! Each Prize Bundle requires a separate donation. Press "Continue".
4. Enter payment information. Press "Continue".
5. Important: check the box labeled “I’m happy to share my contact details with Illusion Horror Con for the purposes of thanking me”. We will not be able to see your contact information and enter you into the lottery unless you check this box! Press “Confirm Donation”
For information about this charity, please visit their website linked here.
For more information on the Prize Bundle lotteries, please find the Illusion Horror Con Charity Guide on the Illusion Horror Con website linked here.
Alternatively, if you'd prefer to donate to a different charity of your choice, you are welcome to do so!
Simply open a ticket on our Discord server or email your donation receipt to us at info[at]theillusionhorrorcon[dot]events
Please make sure the receipt clearly displays the donation amount, date, prize code(s), and provides a way for us to associate the donation with you.
* Charities pay a small fee for our service. Find out how much it is and what we do for it.