The Harbours will be walking in loving memory of our beloved parents & grandparents, Rosemary & Sidney Harbour. Both received such amazing care from Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall and Hospice at home as well as all the continued support the family still receive.
We will also be continuing our Dads legacy by playing his hand cranked music organ he made at Ferry Meadows just as he did, supporting Sue Ryder after Mum passed away.
£20 could pay for a patient’s meals for the day in one of our hospices. We always do our best to cater for someone’s individual preferences and dietary requirements.
£25 could fund an hour of expert care, so our Sue Ryder doctors and nurses can help manage patients’ pain and symptoms.
£40 could provide our personalised text support service Sue Ryder Grief Coach to someone who is grieving for a year, as well as gentle coaching for friends and family who want to support them.