As recently announced, Dr Iain Donald will be leaving Abertay University for pastures new after 12.5 years of service. Iain has left an indelible mark on games education and research at Abertay University: from connecting students with industry in teaching and post-graduation, to playing a key role in the research strategy of the School of Design and Informatics. Iain has provided an immeasurable influence on hundreds of students and colleagues who have benefitted from his guidance and advice and will be greatly missed at Abertay. Iain leaves with the warmest regards and best wishes for the future from those in the School of Design and Informatics, Abertay University, and the wider Abertay alumni and network.
As a token of appreciation for Iain's contribution to Abertay University, please consider donating to the Dundee & Angus Foodbank. Dundee and Angus Foodbank provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to people within the Dundee & Angus area who are referred to them in crisis. They are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK. During the current cost-of-living crisis their work is more important than ever to people going hungry and living in poverty. To find out more about the Dundee & Angus Foodbank, visit
Any donations are greatly appreciated at this time.