CADFA (the Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association) is a charity based in the UK and in Occupied Palestine. CADFA works hard to bring Palestinian visitors to Britain, and to organise visits for people from the UK to Palestine to see with their own eyes the realities of the Occupation and its impact on daily lives.
In April/May 2023, CADFA is taking a group of Health professionals to the West Bank. We are privileged to be accompanied by the artist Tim Sanders. We are crowdfunding Tim’s trip – total cost will be about £1,600. Payments will be made to CADFA’s Building Hope project and gift aid of 20% can be claimed if you are a UK taxpayer.
Tim says:
'I am accompanying a group of health workers on a visit to Palestine in April as artist in residence. We’ll be visiting medical facilities to share knowledge and help to raise awareness of the situation heroic health workers face in Palestine. My role will be to document the visit and whatever else arises during our stay. I visited Palestine in a similar capacity in 2016 to record our visit and life in Palestine in a creative way. It’s a great opportunity to look at the territory through a different lens. And it’s also a way to raise funds for Palestine because all the artwork will be exhibited and sold on our return. We will also produce a calendar for 2024.' Money raised from the sale of Tim’s work will be shared between CADFA’s Building Hope project and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign’s local branch in Newham and Tower Hamlets.
We urge you to give generously to make sure this visit happens. Trade Union and other sponsors will be acknowledged in all our publicity.
Tim Sanders is a professional cartoonist. He was the pocket cartoonist for The Independent for 15 years and has worked for a wide range of publications including The Guardian, Private Eye and many trade union and campaign publications.