I think if you’ve found yourself on my page you will already know that I have M.E. It remains the biggest challenge to my daily life and functioning. This year I have chosen ME research uk as one of my charities I want to support with any donations made from hand painted candles. Without research, I have really little hope of root cause being found for this condition and therefore life getting easier for me.
"....doctors do not treat us and science does not study us. How could a disease this common and this devastating have been forgotten by medicine?" Jennifer Brea
Only biomedical research can find the causes of ME/CFS, improve diagnosis and treatment, and, ultimately, arrive at a cure. That’s why research is our focus.
We've awarded 64 full grants and 5 PhD-level awards since 2000 and invested over £3.5million. But research is expensive and becoming more so every day. That’s the challenge we face, and that’s why we need your help.