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Hi, my names is Sue Taylor 39 year old daughter, mum and wife from Liverpool. I was diagnosed with bone cancer (osteosarcoma)in January this year. They found a 15cm tumour in my hip and femur which is now replaced with metal. They thought my cancer was low grade but after the removal of the tumour and 80 biopsy’s, it was confirmed high grade stage 3. Im currently undergoing chemotherapy which has, ill say politely, battered my body.😢
Now id love to say im running a mathathon for sarcoma but lets be honest, that’s never going to happen!haha My mobility is now very restricted and chemo makes if difficult to even walk some days. Ive been very positive during this whole journey and took everything’s that been thrown at me with a smile on my face BUT, it has, hands down been the hardest time of my life!!!!!! I was not expecting so many complications!! I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy which is why i want to raise as much money as possible for sarcoma uk as this charity needs so much more funding and research available to help others. I had an MRI scan 10 years ago which actually revealed i had tumours in my hip then and I was told they were nothing to be concerned about and I was referred to physiotherapy for the pain. Not once were my tumours checked up on and i was told they didn’t need to be because they were benign. This is why raising money for more research into bone cancer is essential. I dont want mistakes and possible lives lost due to lack of funding and research. Life is too precious!!
So I’ve came up with the idea of a “wigathon”!! I’m basically going to wear different wigs every day for 30 days and try to jazz up my outfits and make up etc to make it abit more fun! FYI im AWFUL at make up so filters will be getting used to give me eyelashes!!ha feel free anyone to join in or give me some good ideas! Ill post pictures/videos on my instagram @suetaylor85 if anyone would like to follow me, donate or just have a laugh at me. 😂😂 the total truth, maybe some days ill stick one on with my pjs in bed if im having a bad day, then next i might be full of life having lunch! I dont know from day to day how my body is going to be, that’s the frustrating part but ill make sure their entertaining!
This will all be self funded so im not asking for anything for myself so 100% of the money is going straight to sarcoma uk.
Sarcoma UK, a national charity that funds vital research, offers support for anyone affected by sarcoma cancer and campaigns for better treatments. Sarcoma is a type of cancer that develops in the bone and soft tissue. It is difficult to diagnose and one of the hardest to treat. By supporting me, we can help change this. Your donation will help researchers find answers, keep our Support Line open, and raise awareness to improve treatment and standards of care.
Thank you for your support.
Sue x