My wearing dresses is just one example, but it highlights a broader issue. Many people who are different feel suppressed because they fear being open about who they truly are. Society has long looked down on them, failed to appreciate them, and, in some cases, committed terrible acts against them. It’s easy to say, “Oh yes, just keep your oddness out of sight,” but we must remember that many of those we’ve labelled as “odd” are actually among the greatest contributors to the society we enjoy today.
For instance, without people who were different, we might not have computers, iPhones, or even have won the Second World War. Who knows what the world would be like if it weren’t for the efforts of Alan Turing? Despite his enormous contributions, he was persecuted simply because he was different, and because his difference was deemed illegal.
We must stand up and loudly proclaim that it’s not just okay to be different, but that it’s something to be treasured, something to be celebrated. Society should honour this. I want to make a difference, and one way I’m doing this is by wearing a dress in public. I’m also raising money for the charity CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably), which is heavily involved in anti-suicide awareness and support.
Yes, men are suffering because they’re not allowed to express their differences. So, let’s champion those who want to be different. Let’s celebrate those who do great things. For me, I see women wearing whatever they want, and they’ve claimed equality. But true equality won’t be achieved until men can also claim the same rights—like the ability to wear the wonderful clothes designed for women.
Any donations would be greatly appreciated. I don’t have a specific target, but if you feel this cause is worthy, please consider contributing.
We’re Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM), and we’re a suicide prevention charity. We’ve got loads of tools and resources to help people find the support they need, including a life-saving helpline for people who can’t see a way forward, have lost someone to suicide, or are worried about their friends or loved ones.
£12.20 is enough to fund one potentially life-saving call.