I thoroughly enjoy video games and seeing SpecialEffect's work to allow everybody to play and get the enjoyment out of video games for all makes it a cause that I support whenever I can.
SpecialEffect are transforming the lives of people with physical challenges right across the world through the innovative use of technology. At the core of this mission is their work to optimise inclusion, enjoyment and quality of life by helping people control video games to the best of their abilities for as long as they need. SpecialEffect's team of occupational therapists and gaming specialists in the UK create bespoke control setups for hundreds of individuals each year, while their R&D team use what they learn in the field to develop freely-available resources and solutions to help level the playing field for gamers with physical challenges all over the world.
My fundraising endeavours this year (as part of the Digital Rogues team) will include a quiz challenge at my workplace where entrants may have the chance to win a Gift Voucher if their quizzing knowledge surpasses mine and I will be streaming video games over the GameBlast weekend on February 23-25.