Oxfordshire Youth is St Edward's School Charity for 2023, they are Oxfordshire’s leading youth work charity. With 75 years of expertise, they reach over 26,000 young people every year with life changing youth work.
We will be fundraising throughout the year towards various initiatives including their mental health ambassadors programme, helping to build young peoples confidence and giving them the skills they need to cope with challenges they encounter, build resilience and face the future with optimism and hope. In addition to fundraising, we have been providing venues for training to be delivered within the charity, including wellbeing, and trauma informed practice. We were also delighted to be able to offer them our recording facilities to record content for their youth led podcast 'Are you listening?'
Through the power of youth work, they transform young people's lives, unite communities, tackle inequality, and listen and respond to the wisdom of young people. From mental health interventions, to crime prevention, sector support, and safe, supported, housing, they're doing whatever it takes to ensure Oxfordshire's young people have the skills, support, and connections that they need to thrive.