Each year, over eighty cyclists hailing from diverse corners of the globe converge to embark on an extensive bicycle expedition spanning from Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, to the battle-scarred Jaffna Peninsula. This rigorous 450km journey commences on February 12th, concluding four days later. Given the sweltering and humid climate of Sri Lanka during this period, cycling begins promptly at 4:00 AM and concludes at 11:00 AM daily.
The funds garnered through donations and sponsorships will be directed towards the refurbishment of the Pediatric Unit, the Hope Beyond Cancer Unit, and the overall upkeep and restoration of other structures within the hospital premises. This endeavour aims to ensure the seamless provision of essential medical services to the local community.
We extend a heartfelt invitation to contribute generously, acknowledging and deeply valuing every act of kindness extended towards this noble cause. Your support is immensely cherished and profoundly impactful.