I especially want to highlight that verbal violence from a partner or family member is real. It has happened to a dear friend of mine and has profound ramifications on one's esteem, confidence and mental health, especially when it is long-term - the spoken word, the written text of a message can all add up to derail such an individual - heart-breaking to watch.
May I challenge us all to be more mindful with our words to others even as we fund-raise for this cause and look out for those that need help. A favourite Bible quote I have is on what we say is "Let your speech be always with grace" - Colossian s 4:6 KJV
And do support those friends of yours in an inextricable domestic violence situation because they really need you and to know they have your support. As a big Bluey fan, have to add this quote from mum Chilli to Bingo:
“Remember I am always here for you, even if you can't see me, because I love you.”
Help them to remember they are loved, because they are really lost in a lot of pain.
This October, I'm taking part in The 137 Challenge with ActionAid.
Did you know, one in three women will experience some form of violence in their lifetime, and 137 women are killed per day by a partner or family member?
But around the world, woman and girls are fighting to claim their rights and change the systems and beliefs that make violence acceptable.
So this October, I will be doing 137 step-ups, squats or sit-ups per day to help raise awareness, and fundraise for ActionAid, to help end violence again women and girls.
ActionAid is an international charity that works with women and girls living in poverty. Their dedicated local staff are changing the world with women and girls. They are ending violence and fighting poverty so that all women, everywhere can create the future they want.
If you'd like to find out more about the amazing work ActionAid does, please visit their website at
Thank you for supporting my challenge - words of encouragement, kind thoughts, prayers as well as funding this would be amazing!