For many years, Rotary's Thornbury Swimarathon has been a major fundraiser for the area, and very much a community event. For 2024, the main beneficiaries are St Peter’s Hospice and Butterfly Space along with other local charities. Since the event started late 80's, over £500,000 has been raised for charities and good causes.
This year the Rotary Club has very kindly offered to split the sponsorship money raised by Severnside Tritons 50:50 so that Severnside can continue to raise money to pay for the lovely new race blocks purchased for the Thornbury Leisure Center pool. These have been a great addition to training and the swimmers have hugely benefited from them and enjoyed using them.
Severnside have several teams taking part in the swimathon to swim as many lengths as they can in 50mins. They would be very grateful for any support and donations made to these worthwhile causes and to go back into the club to benefit the swimmers.