Hi everyone,
As many of you all know my family are going to be doing different fundraising events for cancer charities over the coming months. We want to give back something that has been given to us by our wonderful NHS to help my parents.
A brief description of our story
Within a year both my parents were diagnosed with cancer. My dad was diagnosed with a rare form of eye cancer and underwent specialist treatment in Liverpool, thankfully he is in remission and still undergoing regular check ups.
Meanwhile our mum was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in September last year and is undergoing chemotherapy and is currently responding amazing to treatment & we pray with our positive outlook on life and how well she is coping we will be ringing that bell very soon.
I want to do something to help other charities to ensure funding is possible for each individual and families going through similar situations to me. The reason why I picked this charity is because seeing my mum and dad go through this as adults and strong people I can’t only imagine what it’s like for young people espically children and what their parents go through trying to manage and help them! I hope you can join me in supporting a good cause? I'm taking on Run 100 Miles in March which aiming to do roughly 5k a day for Young Lives vs Cancer. Your contribution will make a difference to children and young people with cancer. Whether you donate £5 or £500. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support.