I had always hoped that the only thing I might ever have in common with Kylie Minogue would be a love of gold hot pants, but unfortunately it turned out to be a diagnosis of Breast Cancer.
The last year has been a bit tough but my treatment is nearly complete and everything is looking positive (big thank you to the amazing staff at the Breast Institute at Nottingham City Hospital)
I had a crazy idea that I needed a new challenge so applied to run the London Marathon , I really didn't think I would get a place but turns out that I was lucky (some might say unlucky), so now I have some new trainers, a training schedule and more than a few aches and pains in my ageing joints.
Cancer Research UK funds important research, raises awareness and provides answers to the questions that you Google when you can't sleep at 2am. I know that my prognosis, and that of the 55,000 women diagnosed with breast cancer in the uk each year, is more positive because of their work.
I am very proud to be running for Cancer Research UK and would like to raise as much money as possible. Please donate any amount that you are able to give.
Love and thanks
Sarah xx