As someone who has been living with ADHD pretty much since I was born, life has had its ups and downs both for myself and those around me, including friends and family. I have known that I have had behavioural difficulties in the past, but it was only recently that I found out that these difficulties could be explained by a condition now known today as ADHD, which stands for Attnetion Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD can affect people in different ways, from their ability to pay attention, concentrate, manage their emotional regulation and impulsivity, and to manage their executive function, which refers to all the cognitive processes happening right now in our minds – planning, making decisions, working memory, self-control, you name it.
That’s why when I discovered ADHD UK, I was thrilled to see that there is someone raising awareness about ADHD and debunking myths and misconceptions that surround it. Given that widespread knowledge of the condition has only been a recent phenomenon, having a charity to support ADHDers like me could not feel any timelier. Unfortunately, whilst awareness has certainly improved a lot over just the past few years alone, there is still a lot of stigma and misconceptions surrounding ADHD. But by continuing to raise awareness and understanding of the condition, we can change all that.
That being said, us ADHDers don’t just want to just learn how to manage our ADHD – we also want to continue to thrive, live, have fun, even follow our passions and dreams with the right support and care in place to help us realise our potential. That is why AHDH UK not only aims to raise and campaign for awareness of ADHD but also to help provide the support we need, support that is compassionate and non-judgemental, accessible and good-quality. The charity also aims to campaign and advocate for ADHD politically, fighting for fair NHS & Education resources, and challenging employers to put in reasonable adjustments that make the workplace more inclusive and accommodating for people with ADHD.
This upcoming June, I will start my first ever fundraising campaign for ADHD UK by running 10k around the city of Leeds. It’s that simple really! And by donating to my campaign, you will be supporting the charity by giving them the funding they need to realise their goals - to raise public awareness of ADHD, and to continue providing ongoing support for people with ADHD, so they can get the support they need to live their lives to the fullest