Please sponsor me to complete the six Abbott World Marathon Majors majors in Chicago on Sunday 8th October. This will be the end of a six year pandemic-interrupted journey encompassing ten thousand miles of training and the following races:
London Marathon, April 2018, 2:58:21
Boston Marathon, April 2019, 2:52:21
New York Marathon, November 2022, 2:59:03
Tokyo Marathon, March 2023, 2:52:49
Berlin Marathon, September 2023, 2:41:11 PERSONAL BEST
Chicago Marathon, October 8th 2023 PLEASE SPONSOR ME
I have been a trustee of Media Associates International (Europe) for six years because of my passion for their work supporting and training Christian authors, publishers and content creators across Europe. See for more details.
I haven't asked for sponsorship for anything since 2017 so I hope you are able to give generously. Thank you very much!