To celebrate my 80th birthday I wanted to do something a bit different, to have an adventure! One of my sons jokingly suggested I either jump out of a plane or be strapped to one! 🤔
After some deliberation and much to the surprise of said son, I decided WING WALKING it is!
When friends and loved ones learnt of my intention, they asked if they could mark and share in the occasion by making a donation, so I decided to support Air Ambulance Charity Kent Surrey Sussex (KSS).
Why have I chosen KSS? When my husband collapsed while driving our car, the support I had from the Emergency Services, was amazing. Hearing, then seeing the Air Ambulance circling overhead gave me great comfort in knowing that everything possible was being done. So, I decided I would now like to support them in return.
KSS is an independent charity. It costs over £16.6M a year to sustain their world-leading, cutting edge, innovative service and amazingly 87% is donated and raised by the people of Kent, Surrey and Sussex.
Your donation means KSS can continue to provide the best care at the worst of times for their patients, and stay at the forefront of pre-hospital critical care.
For more information on the vital work of KSS, please visit