Brain Tumours and Brain Tumour research is a charity I am very familiar with for more than one reason.
In 2011 I lost my Dad aged 53 to a Glioblastoma. This changed my whole world being just 23 myself, and I miss him every single day.
However this wasn’t my last encounter with the horrible disease. In 2019 my good friend had a baby, called Roux, who was born with a brain tumour which left him critically ill at just 2 weeks old. Since then, Roux, and his family have shown nothing but determination and strength, and despite the brain tumour leaving Roux with various different health complications such as Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy, Roux is a true warrior and continues to thrive and prove every statistic wrong!
Now in 2024 my friends sister (just aged 44) has passed away after cancer spread to her brain, again leaving with limited options and her three beautiful girls behind.
A charity close to my heart since 2011, I give monthly donations and my Husband has completed LEJOG for the charity. I am an avid member of Rouxs Army (a charity set up in Rouxs name) and I feel it’s now my time to challenge myself and do it for Roux, Nikki, and my legend of a Dad
So many people around me continue to have their life impacted by brain tumours, and as im now what feels like a veteran amongst those that are experiencing it, its my time to do something for my family and friends, and challenge myself. Please support me if you can, as this will be one hell of a challenge that’s for sure!
Brain tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer… yet just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this devastating disease. This is unacceptable!
I am fundraising for Brain Tumour Research as they are the only national charity dedicated to funding long-term, sustainable research in the UK. Please help me fund the fight. Together we will find a cure.