Yep, you read that right. I, a serial PE dodger who’s never run further than a mile in their life (and let’s be honest, calling it running is generous!) will be running the Manchester half marathon in October. Just typing that is making me question my sanity but I am doing it for a fantastic cause: Make 2nds Count, a charity that’s working hard to raise awareness and improve national funding for secondary breast cancer.
I knew nothing about secondary breast cancer before October 2021 when we found out that mum’s breast cancer had metastasised to her bones. Unlike breast cancer, secondary breast cancer is an incurable disease. Since then it’s been a really tough time for us as a family but especially for mum who’s been having weekly treatments and experiencing some horrible symptoms and side effects with the chemo. She’s an absolute trooper and my hero. Any time that I start to question why the hell I decided to put myself through this I’ll think of all the pain and struggles she’s had to go through in the last two years and be reminded that my aching muscles and fatigue is nothing in comparison.
Secondary breast cancer is breast cancer which has spread from the breast to other parts of the body. Although secondary breast cancer can be treated, there is no cure. Unlike those living with primary breast cancer, there is no end of treatment, there is no remission.
It’s estimated that 35,000 people are currently living with secondary breast cancer in the UK yet only 7% of the National funding for cancer goes towards this incurable disease. Make 2nds Count aim to address this imbalance.
Please give generously!