On 16 June, I am taking part in the London to Brighton Bike Ride in aid of Access Sport, a brilliant charity that supports disadvantaged and disabled children and young people to access all the amazing benefits of sport, that we so often take for granted.
Full disclosure, my brilliant wife Helen, is also Access Sport's CEO and this is a cause close to our hearts.
Providing I can keep up with her, we will be taking on this challenge together, alongside another 80+ Access Sport supporters.
Sport played an important role in our lives growing up and continues to be at the heart of our family life but very few sports clubs are truly inclusive and this is where Access Sport is making a difference. They train, equip and supporting community sports clubs to develop sustainable, inclusive offers where they wouldn't otherwise exist, across a wide range of sports.
Any donation, large or small, towards this fantastic cause would be greatly appreciated. Not only will you be supporting disabled and disadvantaged children to access sport and physical activity but it will also give me a much needed motivational boost!
Thank you - your support is really appreciated!