Over the summer, I'm going to be swimming a lot! The 24-hour relay at Clevedon Marine Lake, followed by the Bantham Swoosh and finishing with the Tresco 360.
I'll be raising money for Level Water. Why? Because water is an amazing leveller - being in water allows people joy, fun and fitness regardless of what shape their bodies are. As a middle-aged woman with hyper mobility, I can swim for hours on end in cold, choppy water. I've coached people with physical and sensory disabilities and chronic illnesses who can do the same. And I've taught children with disabilities to swim - and seen the joy it brings them.
This is why I'm raising money for Level Water. As a charity, it raises money for extraordinary swimming lessons for extraordinary children. Children whose disabilities mean they can't access mainstream swimming lessons. The benefits they get from their Level Water swimming lessons are life-changing - that's no exaggeration because swimming not only strengthens muscles, improves coordination and increases fitness, but it's also a life skill that gives confidence and builds self esteem.
What am I doing?
1. The 24-hour relay. That's 4-6 hour long legs across 24 hours, including at least two night swims.
2. The Bantham Swoosh - a 6km swim down a river.
3. The Tresco 360. As part of a two-person relay team, I'll be circumnavigating the island of Tresco, which is around 12km in choppy, cold sea.
Everyone should have the opportunity to learn to swim and fall in love with the water. Which is what I'll be chanting to myself as I swim!