1 in every 7 babies born in the UK will need specialist care.
Bliss is the leading UK charity for babies born premature or sick. They rely on donations to fund their work, and without our help they won't be able to reach the 90,000 babies needing neonatal care each year.
Your donation to my page will help Bliss to drive improvements in neonatal care, to ensure that the needs of babies are at the heart of policy and planning for the future, and to provide information and support to all families with a baby born premature or sick.
Jamie was born after a tough and long labour and was whisked to the NICU after his first 2 hours of life outside the womb as he had breathing difficulty. He was there for the next 5 days as I had covid and wasn't allowed to be with him in the NICU, Tom was going between the two of us giving me updates on his progress and treatment he was undergoing, scurrying pumped milk back to Jamie so he could be tube fed and holding his little hand as much as he could.
It broke our hearts not knowing fully what was wrong with him. All we knew was he had an infection of some sort, was intubated, given a lumbar puncture, endless blood tests and injections and generally poked and prodded for 5 days until he was finally off the oxygen and I was clear of covid so we could be reunited.
He still needed 24hr monitoring for the next few days on the ward with me and a lot of phototherapy to help him with jaundice but we made it home soon after and could begin our journey as a family of five.
I'm so grateful for the support and care the nurses and doctors gave Jamie whilst he was with them. It's nerve wracking enough having a new baby, let alone having the alarm being rung, him being taken away when you've barely had a chance to cuddle or smell his new baby smell amd not holding hi for nearly a week.
Without the hospital staff's quick thinking and such amazing care, he may not be here today.
By raising even a small amount, I know the difference it will make to another families support at a time in need.