We are a group of student midwives currently volunteering on a maternity ward in Arusha, Tanzania. During this project we have been exposed to the lack of resources, funding, education and hygiene faced within the hospital, as well as failure to provide compassionate and dignified care. Our experience has highlighted the contrast with the care provided to mothers in the UK and how we believe all women deserve safe, compassionate and dignified care for themselves and babies in order to reduce morbidity and mortality.
Therefore we are hoping to make a difference by supporting Maternity Africa, a charity dedicated to helping women by making childbirth safer. Their work in Tanzania ensures women can access quality maternal health care and ongoing training for newly recruited midwives and nurses.
We really appreciate any donations - big or small, are truly valued. And would like to ask to please share this post.
Asante sana! (Thank you so much)
Phoebe, Emily, Laura, Leah and Beth