Platte Gang is an Amsterdam-based cycling camping collective, and is supporting MASS Action's solidarity fundraising throughout 2024.
PG organises one overnight cycling trip per month throughout summer. Moving intentionally in the Netherlands, we question the ideas of freedom, ownership, and boundaries. It is impossible to do this as free moving humans, without acknowledging the deeper structures that surround us that restrict movement for many others. 2024 also saw a new far-right government elected in the Netherlands, which is likely only to exacerbate these unjust systems.
If you would like to join a weekend you can send a message to @plattegang on instagram.
Additionally this year, James, one of PG’s organisers, is going to be riding a big wiggly line around a chunk of England and Wales. While doing this he’s offering a few more options for fundraising and donations:
€£25 - a four line poem written for you, inspired by his journey. In your donation note you can add a thematic request.
€£50 - a drawing for you, inspired by his journey. In your donation note you can add a thematic request.
€£500 - a mid-bike ride visit to you and a kiss on the cheek, only applicable if you live anywhere south of Manchester.
Fundraising context:
Mass Action facilitates fundraising efforts in support of projects working in solidarity with migrants and refugees in Europe and the UK. They have longstanding partnerships with many grassroots projects that work across a range of support areas in a variety of locations. They will distribute the funds raised to the following partner projects: Khora (Greece), Mazi Housing Project (Greece), Calais Appeal (France). These funds are needed now more than ever as migration to and across Europe continues, borders get more violent, and funding for smaller, grassroots projects that support displaced people dries up.
Thighs of Steel is an organisation that organises big bike rides for a wild community, all in order to raise funds for Mass Action to distribute. In 2024 Thighs are not organising a mega ride like usual, as they work on improving accessibility and questioning the structures that they exist within and contribute to (willingly and unwillingly).
Not an act of charity, but an action of believing in a just world.