The Foundation for Physical Therapy Research's sole purpose is to fund physical therapy research through grants, scholarships, and fellowships. Through these investments, researchers go on to yield exceptional research that helps us to learn more about the efficacy of physical therapy practices, pioneer breakthrough treatments, and build the evidence-base to define the value of physical therapy among payers, other health care professions, and patients. We create a pipeline for future researchers and sow the seeds for new research to come.
Hi, my name is Paige Bauer I am a third year DPT student leading Carroll University's participation in the nationwide Marquette Challenge that helps the Foundation for Physical Therapy Research. We raised $1325 last year and recieved recognition as Best Effort to Raise Over $1000. This year we hope to continue to advocate the importance of research for the physical therapy profession within our school and community.
This page is open to any donations throughout the year along with being used as a sign-up page for different events.