Dear friends and family,
It is with some angst and fear, I have made the decision to enter my first boxing competition. The fight is scheduled 5th December.
Some of you find this decision ill advised and ill thought through. Nonetheless it is a journey that I have decided to embark on.
Many see boxing akin to violence with two people angrily hitting each other. My experience could not be further from the truth. It is one of the most honourable sports, requiring discipline, stamina and technique. There is a lot of respect between opponents for the effort, bravery, and passion of the sport. There is obvious risks of short term and long term injury nonetheless, but most can be managed especially given the expertise of the coaches and training. I am very grateful for my trainer Pablo.
Whether you agree with my decision or not, I would love you to embark on this journey supporting me with positivity. The training over next few weeks will require a lot of hard work and sacrifice. I found boxing in most unusual circumstances and for me this journey is important to conclude with a milestone that is the fight.
What do I hope to achieve? Simply a good fight where I give my best during training and in the ring on the day.
Given I will get punched in the face, I thought why not make it for the benefit of greater good? I have chosen a charity for the homeless. Two of my many role models in my life, my mum and my sister, taught me at early age through their volunteering, that the homelessare come from all paths of life and simply have not been given a second chance, leading to a vicious circle into homelessness. For my part, i feel spoilt, as i have made many errors and you have always been there to pick up the pieces and get me back up. Thank you.
Because the journey is not a straight forward one, if for any reason I cannot fight due to injury, I commit on matching your donations myself.
Love you and thank you again for everything
Whitechapel Mission is dedicated to providing a lifeline to the poor and homeless of London, who struggle each day against hunger, poverty and exclusion. Our goal is to help people to help themselves, giving them the confidence they need to become independent, which we do through practical support and advice and by teaching them the life skills they need to succeed. We believe everyone deserves chance, regardless of their background, race or religion.