I'm taking part on a Gaming Challenge for Sands
As many of you will be aware SANDS is an extreemly important charity that both Faye and me hold in very high regard for the support they gave us when Elizabeth and Dexter sadly passed away.
Sands want to ensure that everyone affected by the loss of a baby gets the support they need and deserve when facing the toughest of times. We want to campaign for change and support research so that fewer babies die and so that fewer families experience the pain of losing a baby.
I will be hosting a 24 hour Magic the Gathering games event again on Saturday 18th February , like last year. This event will be streamed again.
Thanks to your support they can continue to be here so that no faces the loss of a baby alone and more babies survive. Please support this course even if its just a little amount, with out SANDs my life would be very differnt.
Thanks again for all your support.