What is One Team/One Child?
One Team One Child is our promise through Y sports and the
Annual Campaign to ensure every child in our community regardless of ability to pay, has access to the programs they deserve. Our goal is no child is ever denied the ability to grow in health, leadership, and confidence that come from participation in all the Y has to offer.
Is there a need in our community?
Yes! About 1 in 10
players are a part of your YMCA sports due to our financial assistance. That means on average about 85 children are a part of a team because of financial assistance. In 2023, your YMCA raised $154,000 and gave out over $180,000 to better our community. In 2024, our goal is to raise $155,000!
Will you join me in giving a gift today? It would be an enormous help and encouragement to others. Thank you for your consideration of a pledge or gift to the Desert Foothills Family YMCAs 2024 One Team/One Child Sports Fundraiser.