Thanks so much for visiting my page! Next year I am taking on the big 26.2 at the iconic London Marathon...I get tummy wobbles just thinking about it!!
I've chosen to run on behalf of the National Brain Appeal and hopefully raise some much needed funds on their behalf. I'm running for them and also for one of my best friends Emily and her lovely husband Ben. Ben was diagnosed late last year with a glioblastoma brain tumour, totally out of the blue and has heroically been undergoing treatment ever since. It’s a total shitter of course but Ems and Ben are tackling it all head on... their strength is a force to be reckoned with.
So there I will be on the 21st April next year taking on the iconic course, pounding the streets of London, probably trying not to pee myself and thinking of Ems and Ben. I would be so grateful for any donations you might be able to give to help get me round and raise these crucial funds.
Thanks so much all xxx
“When the unthinkable happens, the lighthouse is hope. Once we choose hope, everything is possible.” Christopher Reeve