The aftermath of having a seizure is sometimes described as experiencing post-workout pains and can cause sufferers to feel muscle aches. So, to replicate that feeling, I am participating in Intractable Epilepsy charity's “100 miles to stop 100 seizures” campaign.
My son Ben has experienced a significant reduction in seizures with his privately prescribed medicinal cannabis, which costs nearly £2,000 every month. Intractable Charity helps families by providing them with a respite from the monthly financial burden. In certain cases, families are unable to secure funds to ensure their child's continued safe access to their cannabis epilepsy medication, which cannot be abruptly discontinued.
Seizures pose a life-threatening risk, so I kindly request your support for my 100-mile challenge. Please consider making a donation today, and if you are unable to donate, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share this fundraising page.