I'm Mike and last year i tried to be as honest as I could about my own mental health, to hopefully encourage more people to speak out about their's.
You are not weak, if you speak about your mental health, we are all human beings, not robots!
I overthink every negative and positive situation that arises and always worry about the worst possible outcome, even before it happens. This is what over thinking with Obsessive compulsive tendencies feels like for me. Even to the point where I'll lose sleep because my mind is racing overtime when I'm lying there at night. This is why I stay as active and busy as possible, so I'm to tired to think.
I feel lucky that I have positive outlets like the outdoors and physical training, that channel this negativity into positive action.
Which is why I want to raise as much awareness and funds as possible, for Mental Health charity MIND.
It's been proven that, exercise and being outdoors can improve your mood and mental health massively.
Speaking from my experiences, being a father at 16 years old, joining the army at 16 and throughout my life since, every time I feel like my head is about to fall off, I always feel blessed that I've found a positive outlet in the gym and the great outdoors. It clear's my head, calms my mind and makes me feel good about myself.
Not everyone in life will have a positive outlet and ultimately lead to dark times in there lives.
I realised last year that people were so genurous and they really resonated with this cause.
which is why I've had to up the effort level and bring the fridge out for one last ride before the scrap man has it!
So this time, whilst carrying a fridge on my back to represent the burden that Mental health can have on us all and to raise Mental Health awareness. I will be attempting the national 3 peaks challenge in 24 hours, which I've never done before, let alone with a fridge on my back.
The highest peaks in Scotland, England and wales, starting at Ben Nevis sat 29th of april and hopefully finishing for sunrise at the summit of snowdon Sunday morning of 30th April.
As this is a much bigger task then last time, I will be training on various different hikes with the fridge, in Wales and the peak District.
If anyone would like to join me on these training walks with non judgemental, like minded people willing to listen, then details will be posted on my insta account Instagram/wheresrona_exploring
Sadly this epidemic of Suicide, is still the biggest killer of men under 45, and yet still underfunded massively by government.
So if you can afford to, even a little and would like to donate online or on the day, big or small, it would be massively appreciated and go to a great cause.
Or if you are old fashioned like me I will have sponsorship forms at my work and my local gym.
Thank you for reading