Miki Nawlatyna

Miki's Solo Cycle to Ukraine

Fundraising for Shade For Children
raised of £10,000 target
Solo Cycle to Ukraine , 25 May 2024
Shade For Children
RCN 834113208


Unfortunately, I’ve made the difficult decision (which I’ve been thinking about the last 300km) to not complete the section of the ride between the Polish border and Kyiv. There are current local tensions and the situation is becoming more unstable within Ukraine. As I won’t have any support for the 4-5 day ride from the border to Kyiv, I don’t think this is a risk I can take, although it is massively disappointing for me to not feel like I’ve completed the whole journey. I will still continue to push to the border to complete as much of the planned route as possible. I hope everyone can understand, it wasn’t an easy decision but I think it’s the right one.

The Challenge

Since the war began in Ukraine, our newsfeeds have been flooded with devastating stories of the impact of the conflict. Being so close to my hometown in Poland, I’ve been extremely motivated to support the forgotten communities at a time when they need it most.

Just at the start of the war I found myself together with my friend Paweł at the Polish-Ukrainian border; we were delivering supplies to the fire station where the refugees were being brought from the border. I will never forget walking into that big hall full of children at 3am. They looked so helpless not knowing what’s happening and where they are… The instant shock you go through and realisation what is happening. The thoughts that run through you when you imagine the scale of it and how much you’re willing to give to protect the innocent.

On 25th of May 2024, I will be embarking on a solo 2,368km cycle starting at my home in Oxfordshire, UK and eventually arriving in Kyiv (Maidan Niezalezhnosti) to raise money for Ukrainian children’s charity Shade for Children. My aim is to arrive in Kyiv on 5th of June. My exact planned route is illustrated in the map above.

The Charity

The work of Shade for Children is now more urgent than ever. Started in 2019, Shade for Children recognised the need for reform within the Ukrainian orphan care system and have since been dedicated to supporting local orphanages. The charity's initiatives include providing consistent visits with the children, hosting summer camps, supporting local at-risk families alongside Social Services, and engaging churches and communities in the conversation of adoption and foster care.

With their extensive experience in the care system, Shade for Children plan to build and operate a Private Small Group Home in Western Ukraine to provide a loving and nurturing environment for 8-10 children who have been orphaned or deprived of parental care. The build of “Blossom Cottage” will be a stepping stone away from the large Soviet-era institutions, offering a more “normal” childhood experience.

By creating a loving and family-like environment, wherever possible, Shade for Children will strive to facilitate the return of children to their families. Where this is not possible, Shade for Children will advocate for the children’s placement in a forever family through domestic or international adoption.

Any donation to this incredible cause will help make a lasting impact on Ukraine’s orphan crisis.

How will your money help?

£1,000 – Contribute towards the needed furnishings and appliances for Blossom Cottage

£2,000 – Prep and landscape the land ready for build of Blossom Cottage

£4,000 – Build the community playground on the Blossom Cottage property

£6,000 – Pour the foundations and commence build of Blossom Cottage

£8,000 – Construct the roof for Blossom Cottage

£10,000 – Purchase the exterior and interior doors and windows for Blossom Cottage

To follow the brilliant work of Shade For Children or to learn more about Blossom Cottage, visit here: https://www.shadeforchildren.org/

On 23rd March, a Strava tracking link will be shared for those that wish to follow my progress.

[Shade for Children, a Ukrainian registered charity fund, was founded in February 2019 by Clinton and Lena White, alongside its US version, which received IRS Determination as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt charity in October 2019.]

Donation summary

Total raised
Online donations
Offline donations

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