The Pumping Marvellous Foundation are driven by the needs of heart failure patients, carers and family communities we serve. We get to the real crux of the problems, the problems that patients tell us they have. Our communities are large and we have superb interactions with them, we run the largest Facebook page dedicated to Heart Failure globally so we fully understand the needs and challenges they face. We develop and distribute patient information to the vast majority of NHS Heart Failure Teams in the UK.
After crossing the finish line at last year's Great North Run, I thought that would be my last one. However I made a promise to Pumping Marvellous some time ago to run it for them, so I'll be doing it again for the last time this year. They have done so much for our patients living with heart failure & our clinical team at STSFT who care for them. I also owe PM a lot personally for the encouragement and motivation they have given me to continue to improve and strive to #BeatHF
Please do help support this fantastic charity