It is now estimated that 1 in 2 people will have cancer in their lifetime. That totally shocked me when I think about those I love and putting that statistic into my circle.
My very good friend Michelle (1st picture) has just finished chemotherapy for Ovarian cancer. A tough journey that without the fantastic care, support and treatment she’s receiving from both the NHS and cancer charities, her outlook could look very different.
Will (middle picture) sadly died on Christmas Day 2023 from Leukemia and JJ’s dad (3rd picture) from bowel cancer when JJ was only a young lad.
We all know of someone battling cancer and ongoing research and funding is vital to help those living with cancer, as well as supporting their families and loved ones. Therefore, please can you sponsor me for the Jurassic Coast Mighty Hike on the 5th July 2025 to reach my target of £250.
Thank you so much for any donation. Love me xx