I completed the Yorkshire Three Peaks last year and loved it. As soon as I got home I decided to challenge myself to complete The National Three Peaks and so here we are! Im basically just having go! I've started training and this is ongoing. I've decided to raise money for my church's (Jubilee Church) Full View cafe at the same time.
On 17th May 2025 I will be climbing Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon, with the aim of completing all within 24 hours. I want to make it clear that I have personally paid to do the challenge through an organisation and so anything raised will go straight to the project. Doing it this way also means that instructors will be there and I will be with a group of others (who I don't know but Im sure I will get to know).
I've asked our lead elder Dan Fryer to explain where we are at with the cafe so far. See below:
We have so far raised £503,000 which is enabled us to do the majority of the works. We have so far stripped out the internal space, installed a new roof, first floor windows and new boilers. We are now in the process of doing the internal works with the new accessible entrance, new glass frontage and all the internal works to make the space usable. This work will be completed by April 2025.
We still require an additional £105,000 to finish the works which will include new lighting, installing the kitchen and fitting out the cafe so that we can open the cafe to the public.
Once open the cafe will be a place for the local community and also provide employment for the long-term unemployed that we are working with through Jubilee Life College.