My friend Nick suffered a stroke in April and lost the use of one of his legs, leading to being admitted to the Hyper Acute Stroke Unit at Princess Royal University Hospital in Kent.
While there he was kept under observation so he didn't have subsequent strokes, given the right medication and performed scans and investigations to properly diagnose the cause. Once he was stable they then provided secondary assistance to help with his rehabilition as well as nutritional advice.
This excellent care would not have been possible without the NHS and its amazing staff – they operate with consummate professionalism despite a backdrop of budget cuts, pay disputes and burnout.
So, in my own small way I want to raise £1,000 to help PRUH's stroke unit continue their excellent work. In Jan 2022 I ran 200km throughout the month, this time I want to push myself to 300km, which is just under 10km per day. The daft aspect to this challenge is that I am only allowing myself to run a short 1km loop near my house, so not only will it be a test of endurance but also a test of extreme boredom!
Please consider donating to help motivate me towards my goal, or if you are not in a position to do so, please share with others who may. Thank you.