My daughter was diagnosed with Ankilosing Spondyloarthritis (Axial Spar) around the time of Covid and is on Biologics to help control the symptoms. This condition has greatly impacted her life, although she still manages to run and maintain the riding school side of her business, producing young horses and competing is no longer possible. Axial SpA is an inflammatory condition of the spine, joints, and tendons causing extreme pain, exhaustion, and limited movement. It affects 1 in 200 people in the UK – twice as many as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s. If left untreated and symptoms are unmanaged, it can permanently fuse the spine and joints. It’s an invisible and misdiagnosed condition with no cure. It works silently, leaving people feeling isolated and powerless, in increasing pain and extreme exhaustion, making basic daily tasks and full-time employment very difficult or even impossible.
We are trying to raise awareness here in Northern Ireland as it seems unknown with little or no support. We have created this page mainly for people that would like to attend but are unable so they can help us support NASS and hopefully raise the profile of the charity here in NI and also people's awareness and understanding.
We are participating in a personal challenge event called 'NASS Stretch-tember 2024' to support NASS. We will be celebrating our efforts with a BBQ on August 31st, 2024. Our target amount is £1000
Thank you in advance for your support.