Bryony Johnson

Donations to The IFoA Foundation in memory of Martin Clarke CB FIA

Fundraising for IFoA Foundation
In memory of Martin Clarke
We give support and opportunities to future actuaries from all backgrounds


Thanks for taking the time to visit this JustGiving page. The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Foundation was a charity close to Martin's heart. As the former Government Actuary and Fellow of the institute of Actuaries, he shared their commitment to supporting aspiring young mathematicians to fulfil their potential in the actuarial profession. As a dedicated member of the profession he was a lifelong advocate of the importance of their work. He believed their skills and work can help people and governments make better decisions.

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About the charity

We are the charity of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, working with the global actuarial community for positive social impact. Our aim is to ensure talented and committed young people around the world can benefit from access to our profession, regardless of their backgrounds.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £202.25 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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