****UPDATE JAN 2025****
Following my injury last year (extruded disc pushing on my L5 nerve), its feeling good enough to give London 2025 a crack, so I've started a 16 week training plan and am determined more than ever to get this done!
I'd like to thank all those who have been so generous to date with donations and if you haven't already, I would be really appreciative of even a small amount.
My family and I will be eternally grateful to Marie Curie and their care for Dad in his final months. As I have said previously it is an amazing place full of amazing staff, so please show your support to enable them to continue to provide essential end of life care to patients and to support families at a most difficult time.
****Original Post****
I have been accepted to run the London Marathon in 2024 for Marie Curie, and in memory of my dad Ian who sadly passed away last May.
Dad was in the Belfast Marie Curie Hospice for 4 months prior to his passing and I wanted to raise some money for them to show my appreciation. It is an incredible place full of amazing staff and although it has been a sad and difficult journey, Dad couldn't have been looked after better during the last few months of his life.
For those who knew Dad you would have known that he was in pretty good shape for a 75 year old prior to his cancer kicking in - he could probably be running this marathon himself if it were a couple of years ago. Unfortunately the cancer took a grip In September 2022 and he lost the battle in May 2023.
So whether you knew Dad through school, university, work, hockey, painting, skiing master of ceremonies (or even if you didn't know him!) I would be really grateful if you would sponsor me to run the London Marathon in his memory, and to show our family’s huge appreciation for a very special charity.