On December 14th 2023, Joey's uncle Des Hurley tragically died at sea. Not only was he his uncle, he was his godfather and best friend.
Joeys world was shattered, this type of shock, pain and grief is something that no 12 year old should have to experience. Joey turned to exercise as a way of coping and as a form of therapy.
His good friend Mikey Power, knows only too well how grief can destroy a person and wanted to help Joey turn his grief into something positive.
This led to the idea of doing " The Duathlon for Des"
Joey is going to kayak from the Bullman in Kinsale to James Fort (1 kilometre), run from James Fort to Charles Fort and back (10.25 kilometres), then kayak from James Fort back to the Bullman (1 kilometre).
We would love for anyone who would like to celebrate Des to take part in either the kayak or run section of the challenge or to celebrate the life of a loved one you may have lost to get in contact with us for further details.
This is not an easy challenge for someone so young to take on but Joey is determined and wants to do it in memory of Des.
He will be rising funds for the RNLI, one of the charities that were a great support to the Hurley family at that devastating time.
It is taking place on Saturday August 10th.
In Another blow to Joey's life, 2 weeks before this fundraising event his nana whom he was very close to died very suddenly.
He could of let this be a set back to the Duathlon but instead he is even more determined to do it, not only for Des but also for his nana who was super proud of him when he told her his plans.
Let's come together on the 10th of August at 10.30am in the Bullman to support Joey and remember Des while raising funds for a vital charity in Ireland and especially the community of Kinsale.