My family and I are aiming to walk/run/ride at least 50km throughout May, in order to raise money for The Ehlers-Danlos Support UK.
I was diagnosed with Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos 10 years ago after a whirlwind diagnostic journey. It wasn't long after diagnosis that I found myself turning to EDS UK for advice and resources, when I suddenly began to experience more and more symptoms. EDS UK is an incredibly special charity and one that is extremely close to my heart. Without them, I would still be stuck in an extremely lonely and scary place, not knowing where to turn for help.
In 2022, I began volunteering with EDS UK as one of their Area Coordinators and, over the last 2 years, I have seen firsthand just how important support groups for conditions like EDS are. However, we cannot continue to run these groups and provide vital support to the EDS community without funding.
£15 can fund an hour's rental of a village hall, where members of the charity can come together and share their stories, make new friends, feel supported and most of all have some fun and the opportunity to forget about their symptoms for a short while.
Some of my incredible support group members enjoying one of our 'craft and chat' sessions