Pollie was born 13 years ago at 24 weeks weighing a tiny 1lb 10oz. She suffered a massive brain bleed, and her outlook was very bleak.
Her parents were told by the Dr's that Pollie would probably not talk, eat, walk & function in anyway, and to prepare for the worst. She was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, Hydrocephalus & Epilepsy.
At 10 months old, her family have been funding her treatment privately due to the NHS being unable to facilitate Pollies complex needs,
Pollie is due to have some major surgery on her foot, leg & knee. The Orthopaedic Consultant has said that Pollie would need some intensive therapies to help her get back up to speed. However the NHS hasn't got the facilities to do this for Pollie.
We are hoping for Pollie to have some intensive therapy at Motion Rehab in Doncaster after her surgery.
I will be running Manchester marathon on Sunday 14th April 2024 to try and help raise money for Pollies much needed therapy and ongoing treatment. I realise times are hard however would appreciate any amount of financial support and I know Pollies family will be eternally grateful. Many many thanks xxx