In November 2021 our beautiful daughter Lucy sadly decided that this world was not for her anymore and tragically took her own life.
She was the most incredible, caring, funny, sensitive, talented star and an amazing swimmer – with butterfly being her speciality stroke. Our kind-hearted girl, a wonderful big sister and an affectionate granddaughter has left an unimaginable hole in all our hearts forever.
We know that Lucy would want us to do all we could to prevent this tragedy happening to other young people and so we begin our journey of change….
The need to focus on something positive drives us forward and so Lucy’s Wings of Hope - “The Butterfly Ball” was born. The aim is not only to bring friends together for a wonderful evening, but more importantly to raise vital funding and awareness for our chosen charity PAPYRUS, the national Charity for the Prevention of Young Suicide.
Suicide is the biggest killer of young people under the age of 35 in the UK, in 2018 over 1800 young people took their own lives. PAPYRUS provides confidential support and advice to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide, and anyone worried about a young person through their helpline, HOPELINEUK.
Every £5 raised can help pay for a life-saving contact to HOPELINEUK. Your donations really are lifesaving, thank you.
We honestly believe that if every young person who is struggling with their mental health and thoughts of suicide was more aware of the amazing help that is out there, then many of these unnecessary young deaths could be prevented, please feel free to donate as much or a little as you can to this truly worthwhile cause.
Jo, Ben & Katie