We are Liv and Victoria (Tors), two sisters from Sheffield who will be running the London Marathon in April 2025 to raise money for Breast Cancer Now. Like everyone on the team, we have our own connection to the cause; and we’re sharing our story here in the hope of raising awareness, and raising money, for this brilliant charity that does so much to support patients and long-term research goals alike.
In 2019, Liv received a diagnosis that pulled the rug from under everyone’s feet. With no prior history in the family, and being an otherwise fit and healthy 30-year-old, it was difficult to compute the news that she had an estrogen-positive, HER2-positive breast cancer which would require surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It was not the year that she had planned; and all of a sudden, the way forward looked very different.
For Tors, when Liv was diagnosed, she felt an overwhelming sense of injustice and remembers the helplessness most of all – watching her sister go through surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, knowing there was so little she could do to make things better.
Running this marathon together is our way of doing something now, and of turning that helplessness into action. It’s a chance to give back to a cause that’s so close to our hearts and to do what we can to make sure others have the same incredible support and care that Liv received.
For Liv, raising money for Breast Cancer Now is all about supporting future research. Whilst she received incredible care, and will always be grateful to the specialists that treated her, there are still occasions where she is frustrated by the lack of data, particularly relating to breast cancer in younger women. Anything that she can do to support future research will make the pain of those 26 miles worthwhile.
For Tors, running this race together reflects our strength as a team, and we’ve always made the best team. She couldn’t do much to change Liv’s diagnosis or the tough couple of years that followed, but she can do something now to help fund research that might make a difference for others. And there’s no one she’d rather take on this challenge with than Liv.
And it really will be a challenge for us! We enjoy getting out for a run, but our usual comfort zone is a 5K parkrun, and we’re not sure that our brains can fully comprehend the distance we’ll be taking on. We are building up our training slowly, and plan to keep this page, and our social media, updated with our training progress. We’ll be so grateful for every donation and share of this page, so thank you for taking the time to read.