This year, CUHCS will be partnering with Lepra, a charity committed to meeting the needs of people affected leprosy and ensuring that they are represented at local and government level.
Lepra supports people affected leprosy through prevention, diagnosis, disability aids and mental health support. They will continue strong partnerships with regional and national governments to ensure that those affected have access to reconstructive surgery, multidrug therapy, eye care and physiotherapy.
Lepra will also continue to offer assistance to those affected lymphatic filariasis through diagnosis, self-care groups and health education programmes. Lepra supports, enables and facilitates those affected lymphatic filariasis and leprosy.
CUHCS will be hosting a variety of events in aid of Lepra throughout the year. We are so grateful for your help and support to raise awareness and funds for this cause.
How your donation can help:
• £6.50 provides a self-care kit to help one person prevent infections, manage symptoms, and maintain hygiene.
• £15 funds a testing kit, allowing us to diagnose up to 50 people with leprosy.
• £25 covers the cost of screening 500 schoolchildren for early detection and treatment of leprosy.
• £50 runs a mobile shoe van for a day, delivering protective footwear to 20–30 people in remote areas of India.
• £120 delivers ulcer care to up to 12 people, including medical staff, medicine, and supplies to treat and heal leprosy-related wounds.