Thomas was diagnosed, age 6, with T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. He spent a week in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit due to a large mass on his chest meaning he needed help with his breathing. Following this he spent 5 weeks on the oncology ward receiving intensive steroid treatment and chemotherapy. Thomas' treatment will take a total of 3 years and he will be in and out of hospital due to being immuno-compromised which makes it difficult for his little body to fight infections. He will also require regular blood transfusions and platelets alongside his chemotherapy.
Thomas and his sister Lucy, aged 8, really want to raise money for Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG), a national charity that fund and support pioneering research to find better, faster and kinder treatments for children.
We are aiming to raise £600 or more, in 6 months to help fund life-saving childhood cancer research.