A few years ago Ryan was diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) a genetic disorder that causes many fluid filled cysts to grow in your kidneys. As the cysts grow they can change the shape of your kidneys, including making them much larger. This can lead to serious complications such as kidney failure. Ryan has been told that he is likely to need dialysis in about 20 years and then he will eventually need a kidney transplant. Our family and friends have told us to stay positive as medicine is constantly improving and there may be a new type of treatment by this time. However, Kidney research is critically underfunded in the UK. Less than 1% of all health research funding goes to kidney research, and a fraction of that amount goes towards PKD research specifically.Instead of waiting for his kidneys to deteriorate we have decided to try and raise some money for the PKD Charity ourselves. September 3rd-10th is PKD awareness week and so on Saturday 9th September we plan to walk the perimeter of Portsea Island (27km). Those of you who know me, will know that I do not walk anywhere, but as Ryan has been told he must keep being active and stay healthy I have agreed to do this with him. We are determined to fundraise as much as we can for the PKD charity so more research can be done on kidney diseases. If anyone would like to sponsor us it would be greatly appreciated. It’s quite far in advance but times are hard right now and so we wanted to give as many people as possible a chance to sponsor us. Thank for reading this massive post and please help us raise money for a charity that means so much to us ❤️