Update: We made it safely up and back down Ben Nevis on 02/12/2024; the day before my 6 months post stroke mark. At the summit there was a -17 degree wind chill and so I’m so grateful to have such amazing friends for supporting me and for entertaining my crazy ideas ☺️ thanks so much for everyone’s donations.
Many of you may be aware by now that I had a major stroke in June this year, a week after turning 34, caused by an artery dissection in my neck. I, like many others, had no idea that a medically fit and active person could suffer a stroke due to an unknown injury that came out of nowhere.
In a matter of hours my world was turned upside down. I was fortunate enough to recognise the signs and call for help. I was treated within about 4 hours of the stroke starting but was still left with life changing deficits.
Since that day I have had to relearn to walk, use my right arm, write, process information, adapt to carry out simple tasks in an different way, adjust to visual changes, just to name a few. Most of these are still a work in progress.
The biggest battle however, I believe is the mental battle. I still struggle every single day to try and accept that this has happened for no apparent reason. I battle with anger, the loss of my old life and my old self, confusion, grief, lack of motivation.
A lot of professionals tell you that the most recovery from stroke will occur within the first 3-6 months and after that, little to no more progress can be made. I have chosen not to believe that my brain will shortly give up on me. Yes, part of it is damaged forever and will never heal, but I will keep fighting to get the most of my life back as I possibly can.
December will be that 6 month mark for me. I only got to this point through sheer stubbornness and through the amazing support I have had from day 1 from those closest to me. Some people are not as lucky, and will need extra support.
For that reason I have chosen to climb the UKs highest mountain Ben Nevis with a few close friends, in winter, in most likely the toughest conditions I’ve climbed any mountain in before for Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland. I have chosen this charity as most people will have loved ones affected by one of these conditions.
I know it’s close to Christmas but I would really appreciate any support you could manage as I take on this challenge 🏔️ 🏴
Thank you from me and my broken brain 🧠 ❤️🩹