On Wednesday 18th October, myself and these legends will be doing a 24-hour Land Rover push in Worthy Down, Hampshire. The Land Rover weighs over 3 tonnes, and in 24 hours we will push it as far as our bodies can sustain.
The team have already tried one lap of the course with a lighter vehicle and said "it was nails!", so god only knows what 24 hours of pushing 3,000kgs will be like.
Starting mid-morning on the 18th, we will keep going all day and through the night until the following day. If you'd like to donate and sponsor our efforts, doing so help change the lives of children like my daughter Hasti, by funding life changing research to discover new treatments and fund the clinical trials.
Children with rare conditions have much harder, much shorter lives, and have far fewer opportunities. Help me create a chance for Hasti to have a shot at a full and healthy life.