Lee's Sky Dive fundraiser for Age UK Derby & Derbyshire

Fundraising for Age UK Derby & Derbyshire
raised of £500 target
Sky Dive for Age UK Derby & Derbyshire, 25 July 2024
We provide services in Derbyshire to help local older people love later life


Imagine going all week without speaking to another person. Sadly, that’s the reality for thousands of older people across the UK. In today’s society, too many older people feel discarded and forgotten.

Through their 24-hour Advice Line, friendship services and campaigning, Age UK is changing lives so every older person feels included and valued. 

Please donate to my Sky Dive fundraising page so Age UK can continue to be there and provide crucial support and services - today, tomorrow, and in the future.

Sky Dive is taking place on Thursday the 25th of July.

Thank you so much in advance

About the charity

Age UK Derby and Derbyshire provide information and services across Derbyshire and Derby to help local older people love later life. We are an independent charity as well as a member of the Age England Association and a brand partner with Age UK.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £73.75 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

* Charities pay a small fee for our service. Find out how much it is and what we do for it.